
Kang-Khüler Saaia

Kang-Khüler Saaia

Kang-Khüler Saaia was born in 1983 in the remote southwestern Möngün-Taiga region of Tuva, home to some of its finest musicians and epic storytellers. Kang-Khüler was a classmate of Alash at the Kyzyl Arts College. He is a founding member of the Tuvan National Orchestra, where he has played alongside Alash members for many years. In addition to the orchestra, he has performed in a number of Tuvan ensembles domestically and internationally, including Changy-Khaya, Khögzhümcu, and most recently Khöömei Beat. Kang-Khüler joined the Alash ensemble in 2025.

Kang-Khüler Saaia is especially talented at playing the byzaanchy and chadagan. He has an astounding vocal range, extending from a high, plaintive tenor to an earthshaking kargyraa reminiscent of his mentor, the great Aldyn-ool Sevek.